Pregnancy is supposed to be an idyllic time full of joy, but that’s not always the case, especially with the vast hormonal changes the body experiences during pregnancy. Learning how to control your emotions while pregnant is absolutely easier said than done, but it is certainly not impossible. In fact, some of the things you can do to control your emotions are relatively simple, and all of them benefit both you and your baby.
1. Relax!
When your emotions start to surge, pause. Take a step back from whatever it is you are doing, especially if it is something that is causing you to feel stressed out, anxious, or depressed.
Stress is common during pregnancy but can also be harmful to both you and the baby. It can lead to all types of health complications and even premature birth.
Allowing yourself time to just relax is crucial. While you cannot avoid stress, you can minimize its presence and impact by taking some deep breaths and slowing yourself down.
2. Think About How You Think and Feel
Negative thoughts are also a common occurrence during pregnancy, ranging from sadness to anger. Depression results as the neurotransmitters in your brain are changed by your sexual hormones. Instead of letting these thoughts fester and become exacerbated, try thinking about what is triggering these thoughts and feelings so you can learn how to control your emotions while pregnant.
Many pregnant women have found that the Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) model was helpful in changing their negative thoughts into more positive and realistic ones. CBT involves assessing the situations that cause these thoughts and the feelings that result from them in order to find a more constructive way of coping.
3. Commit to Making Changes
You probably are aware that you need to learn how to control your emotions while pregnant. The key to enacting these changes is to commit to making them. It is time that you hold yourself accountable, even though you are not necessarily to blame for the thoughts and feelings you experience.
If you need some daily structure and motivation, try writing positive mantras to yourself on sticky notes and posting them around your home. Remind yourself of the changes that you are making and why you are looking forward to the results. You can do this, and you will!
4. Allow Yourself to Fantasize
Daydreaming is something that society tends to see as impractical and an overall waste of time, but guess what? It actually has some therapeutic benefits! While learning how to control your emotions while pregnant, allow yourself to disengage the stressful nature of reality and slip into your fantasy world for a little while.
Envision yourself spending time with your baby once they are born. How will it feel to hold and comfort them? What will their little face look like? How are you going to help them grow every day?
This isn’t just some silly, romantic notion. It is a way for you to positively connect with your baby and let those good feelings flourish.
5. Eat Well and Exercise
Exercise and nutrition are critical for pregnant women and can have vast impacts on both mental and physical health. Changing your lifestyle habits can make a huge difference in terms of how to control your emotions while pregnant.
For example, getting a sufficient amount of vitamin D is important for anyone, pregnant or not, since it seems to work at curbing depression. This means getting it from food sources as well as from spending time outside in the sunshine.
Also, exercise is important since it keeps your blood (which now has extra volume) circulating and promotes stimulation of the neurochemicals in the brain that induce good feelings and other important cognitive functions.
6. Take the Right Prenatal Vitamins
Of course, you can’t get all the nutrients you need from your food while you are pregnant, so getting the right prenatal vitamins can be helpful. Prenatal vitamins tend to be loaded with vitamin B6, which can help diminish your mood swings. They have also been reported to help with combating nausea and vomiting.
During pregnancy, your body produces more estrogen than usual, which can cause a decrease in your natural supply of B6. Keep tabs on your levels by getting the blood work done that your obstetrician or midwife recommends.
7. Do Things You Enjoy
Part of learning how to control your emotions while pregnant involves rearranging your tasks. Which stressful tasks can you pass along to others or simply not do? Focus on finding the right balance between getting things accomplished and just doing the things you love.
Take some time to pursue your hobbies. If you like singing, try singing to your baby. You might be surprised to learn that unborn babies can actually be calmed by their mother’s singing voice. Doing this can also help with speech development after they are born and increases blood flow to the baby while in your womb.
8. Seek Support From Others
Are you in a situation that causes extra stress, anxiety, or depression? Are you not sure whether you should speak up for fear of being labeled a “bad” mother? Do not let the fear of this ridiculous stigma get to you.
If you are feeling depressed, anxious, angry, or worried, know that this is normal. Also, know that you can reach out for support. If you don’t have anyone in your personal life you can talk to, find a support group for other pregnant women dealing with emotions. You can also reach out to a professional counselor if you prefer one-on-one interactions.
Final Thoughts
Your pregnancy will not be stress-free, but you can find constructive ways for how to control your emotions while pregnant. Pause. Take a deep breath. Do something that you enjoy; your baby just might enjoy it, too. Taking care of your baby also means taking care of yourself.